I have a great little studio. Want to see?
I was planning to take photos after I’d cleaned it all up and made it pretty. But really – my studio is all shiny and clean approximately one day per year. Maybe.
(Honestly, I do sweep and vacuum regularly, but to straighten and tidy and organize, well, not so much.)
It is a space for working, and it looks like it.
It’s small, about 7 x 10 feet roughly. Three windows face north. The room is on the front of the house, which allows me to see people walking and the cars driving by. The view helps me feel like I’m part of the neighborhood and prevents me from feeling isolated.
The doorway on the right side of the room is connected to the kitchen and living room, so I have quick access to a cup of coffee and the volume button for my music.

The doorway on the left side of the room is connected to a bathroom; a sink is important. The room has a closet, but it’s my only closest downstairs and is full of coats and scarves. Not much art storage space.
I put a couple of low cabinets below the windows for storage. Believe it or not, I use them and can actually find things in them.
My shelving unit gives me more storage.
It would be nice to have some flat storage for drawings and paper items and rack storage for canvases. Maybe someday I can convert the closet.
Because I typically work on painting when they’re laying flat, I run out of workspace frequently. It would be nice to have another table where I could set things to dry. As it is, I cover my dining table with a drop cloth and use that. (The floor is not an option – Her Highness the Hound has no respect for wet paint.)
Over all, I like this space. It’s bright and cozy and comfortable. I’ll try to remember to take photos of the magnolias in the spring – I have one in my yard, and so does the neighbor across the street.
4 replies on “Art Studio”
Your studio is the same size as mine, but much cleaner. Plus mine is in the garage.
Oh, yeah, Chad. Glad mine is in the house! 🙂
looks like a great space even if it feels small some times! my studio is my bed or a very small section of our familyroom!!
Yeah, Kat, I’ve been there. It’s one tough way to work! I’m impressed at the work you do without a dedicated studio.