
Art Every Day Month, 2011

My studio with work in progressOctober 30. Is it really the end of October already?! Unbelievable.

The end of October means that it’s about time to flip the calendar to November. (Wow, that’s profound.)

November is Art Every Day Month, led by Leah Piken Kolidas over at Creative Every Day.

Have you done Art Every Day Month in the past? Are you doing it this year? Leave a comment with a link to your blog so I can follow along.

Art Every Day Month is a challenge to make art every day. Normally I’m in my studio 3-4 days a week. Upping that to 7 days a week takes some extra planning and scheduling. It’s doable but I need to stay focused.

So I’ve been thinking about what to do for a whole month. I’m in the midst of a series of paintings on paper, 12×12 inches in size, and want to continue them. I’ve done about a dozen and have another dozen or so in some sort of preliminary stage.

I have a arts & craft fair coming up on November 12, and want to be sure I have enough artwork to take with me, so the challenge will help me work toward that.

And, I’ve signed up for the Sketchbook Project over at Art House Coop. This year, I’m bound and determined to start – and finish – my book EARLY! I’m brewing some ideas for it, so once my show is under control, I can start on the book.

And, I’ve ordered another 100 blocks for Artomat. So there’s certainly no shortage of things to do this month. 🙂

Stay tuned. More to come – guaranteed.

Art Every Day Month Logo,

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