
Goodbye 2010. Hello 2011!

I sit here ushering out the old 2010, though it is almost 18 hours gone. I fear it might linger, so I feel the need to give it one more firm but loving push away.

I toast its passing and the arrival of the shiny  new 2011 with both green tea and champagne. Tea for health and wisdom. Champagne for prosperity and joy. White chocolate and dark for contrast. Candles for illumination and clarity. Fire for warmth.

Much to be grateful for.

Much to be forgiven.

Much to be released.

Much to prepare for.

Goodbye 2010

Goodbye 2010. Thank you for the lessons, the growth opportunities, clarity, and for laying foundations.

You were a tough teacher, but those are often the ones from whom we learn the most.  You were sometimes cruel, which I wish we could have avoided. Even so, I forgive you.

You were certainly complex and full of surprises. Unmatched by any year I have known.

Thank you for being truly unique and memorable. I will not forget you.

Hello 2011!

Welcome! Thanks for arriving all fresh and clean on such a lovely day. Warm temperatures; warm enough to melt the snow and set the birds to singing. Almost warm enough to open a window. Not really, but I’ve opened one a bit anyway.

Warmth and birds and bare ground bring hope and cheer.

You follow on the heels of one tough year. At times angry and confrontational, it has gone and left us to ourselves. It’s your turn now. We start out together today on a firmer foundation with a clearer vision than one year ago.

I look forward to your joys and challenges, your surprises and secrets. All the moments that will make you unlike any other.

Today my heart is light and my spirit full of hope. I am eager to walk through these days with you.