
Making an Inspirational Ornament: Grow

Grow: Inspirational collage ornament with gelli printsI love having little inspirational items around my house and studio. They bring a little bit of joy to me and my visitors. Spring is right around the corner and I can’t wait! I love seeing things come to life and grow, so that was the source of inspiration for this ornament.

This little Grow ornament began life as a paper mache disk. I made a bunch of paper mache hearts and stars and circles out of ordinary paper and flour/water paste several months ago, and have had them sitting in my studio, just waiting for the right project. What could be better than this sweet thing?


Inspirational collage ornament with gelli printsMaterials Needed:

  • A round form: could be paper mache, wood, a river stone, or even a cardboard or plastic shape. Whatever appeals to you!
  • A selection of prints made with a Gelli Arts® printing plate
  • Mod Podge and a brush
  • Sharpie markers, gel pens, and paint pens
  • A small screw eye
  • Ribbon


Inspirational collage ornament with gelli printsBecause I wanted to use the word “Grow” on this ornament, I choose several Gelli prints in bright Spring green colors. I tore the prints into small pieces, about 1-2 inches across.

Using an old brush, I applied Mod Podge to the disk, and glued the pieces of the Gelli prints to the form.

Now, here’s where things get gluey! Although I always start with a brush, I find it’s easiest to get in there with my fingers to smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles in the paper.

I made sure to cover both sides and the edges. Here are photos of each side of the shape.


Inspirational collage ornament with gelli printsInspirational collage ornament with gelli prints










I liked the side with the wagon wheel shapes best, so that side became the front of my ornament. (Those shapes are made by pressing the end of a spool of thread onto my Gelli plate.)

For a bit of contrast, I rubbed a dark blue ink pad along the edges.

Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints









The edges needed a bit more sparkle. A gold watersoluble crayon did the trick!

Inspirational collage ornament with gelli printsInspirational collage ornament with gelli prints









Then, I stamped a fun flower shape onto the front of my ornament, and colored in the petals using bright pink Sharpie markers. Next, I outlined the flower using a black paint marker.

Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints










Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints


Using a gray paint marker, I wrote the word Grow above the flower. When the paint was dry, I used the black paint marker to write the word again on top of the gray letters, making it stand out nicely.

Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints









Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints


Time for finishing touches! With my black paint marker, I added a stem and leaves to my flower. With a white gel pen, I added highlights to each petal. Just makes them come alive, don’t you think?

Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints
Now to turn it into an ornament! I attached a teeny tiny screw eye to the top and strung a bit of green ribbon through.

Grow: Inspirational collage ornament with gelli prints

It’s the perfect little bit of positive inspiration to hang in my studio. I love being able to see it in the morning as I get to work.

For a printable version of this project, download the tutorial here:
Making an Inspirational Ornament.