
Announcing: Uncommon Art!

Yes, I’m still Life Needs Art. But, I have a new studio space and am sharing it with two other artists now. We’ve joined artistic forces to create a combined studio, gallery, classroom space that we’re calling Uncommon Art.

Dana Giel-Ray (Bellabor Art Jewelry) and I have invited Shannon Casey ( to join us in this new venture. Shannon creates imaginative figurative paintings that tell stories both personal and universal.

The new place is still on North Main Street in Hudson, same block, same side of the street, just a few doors south.

This move has been quite a challenging project. When we first looked at the place, it had been vacant for years, maybe a decade. The “decor” was, shall we say, retro: right down to the green shag carpet, crazy sponge painted walls, and a color palette that can best be described as “dinge”. Light fixtures that had been lopped off, leaving exposed wires dangling. Bird nests in the closet. And a crazy stairway that made you wonder, “What were they thinking?”

Sounds great, right??

But underneath all that, we could see it had twice the square footage of our old studios. The location is ideal, right on the corner of North Main Street and Clinton Street, close to the clocktower. It has its own entrance. Lots of big windows to let in lovely light. We can decorate and arrange to make the space really our own.

It’s taken two months of non-stop renovation, but we’ve turned the living room into a gallery, the dining room into a classroom, and the bedrooms into studios.

The work is now finished and our doors are open. Please stop by and visit. We’ll be glad to give you the tour. Or join us for our grand opening on:

Grand Opening Party
Saturday, April 2, noon – 5pm

And what does the place look like? Well, you’ll have to come see it in person! To be a tease, here are a few of the “before” pics:

3 replies on “Announcing: Uncommon Art!”

I am so excited for you! I look forward to seeing it soon!! Miss journaling with you!

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