
Urban Sketchers Symposium, Journal Flip

selfie from the Urban Sketchers SymposiumI go sketching once a week or so here at home with some friends, and we’re big fans of the “professional” urban sketchers who we follow online.

In July, the Urban Sketchers group held their annual symposium in Chicago. Since it was so close by, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go.

We piled in the car, drove to Chicago, and arrived in time to join the first sketchwalk. The rest of the days were a blur of sketch – walk – sleep – repeat.

Now that I’ve been home for a while, I didn’t want those sketches and memories to get lost. My notes and sketches were mixed with ones from other locations, and some were on loose sheets of papers. They were getting scattered around my studio. So I collected them all up and bound them into a single book.

The video here shows a page-by-page flip of the book.

To see more about the supplies I took on the trip, go to Sketching Supplies That I Took To The Urban Sketchers Symposium and What I Actually Used.

Read about Urban Sketchers and the symposium at