

ACEO shown next to a US QuarterWhat are ATCs or ACEOs?

The names stand for Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) and Art Cards, Editions, and Originals. They are small but complete works of art. They were originally created to be traded amongst other artists, similar to baseball cards. Now, they are sought after by collectors and bought, sold, traded by afficionados around the world.
Generally, cards made to be traded are called ATCs (Artist Trading Cards). Cards meant to be sold are called ACEOs: Art Cards, Editions, Originals. I intend mine to be sold, so technically, they are ACEOs.

So what are the rules? ATCs and ACEOs have one rule:

Cards must be 2 ½ X 3 ½ inches.

That’s it.

What do they look like? They are as individual as the artists who create them. They can be originals or prints. B&W or color. Paint? yes. Pencil? yes. Watercolor? yes. Collage? yes. Pen? Ink? Rubber stamps? Fabric? Metal? Digital? Glass? Yes, yes, yes…

Personally, I find they’re a great way to get the creative juices flowing. I can test out ideas on something small first and play with new ideas. Sometimes, an ATC will turn out great and become the inspiration for something larger. Plus, they’re deceptive. Something so small can sometimes take so much time.

They’re a great way to get people thinking about art, talking about art, and even living with art.

Take a look around for more ATCs/ACEOs.

Try making a few of your own. Now what was that rule…

Art you can carry in your pocket.

What could be better?