
You Know You’re An Art Geek When…

Party Plate or Paint PaletteYou go to a wine tasting, and get more excited about the really awesome cool appetizer plates they offer than you do about the wines.

Yup. That’s me. Sigh…

These plates are very sturdy clear plastic, about 8 inches square. That notch in the corner is designed to hold a wine glass stem. You put your nibbles on the plate, your glass in the notch, and can walk around safely talking and tasting. Brilliant! And very handy.

plastic paint paletteNow, the artist in me saw the notch as just the right size for my thumb, and that flat surface as the right size for a paint palette. I like small palettes because they’re easier to handle. And, the plate is far sturdier than the lids from butter tubs that I normally use.  (See the last photo below for my typical paint palettes.)

So, I absconded with 5 – mine, 2 from my friends, and 2 more that I found abandoned on a table as we left. I would have taken more, but didn’t want to look like a looter.

Can’t wait to try them out!

stack of buffet party plates

my usual paint palettes