
Collage Techniques Class

Collage Techniques is a class I teach frequently, both at my studio and at other venues. Beginning students as well as experienced artists enjoy this collage sampler. Even if you have made collages before, it’s a fun way to try new textures, media, and materials. Learn to play with these media and express yourself in your own […]


You Know You’re Posting On Social Media Too Often When…

You don’t post for a few days and friends start pinging you asking, “Are you OK? Haven’t seen you posting in a while and just wanted to be sure you’re all right”. Oops. I am grateful for the concern, but, yeah, that tells me I post a lot. I try to post every day but […]

Blog Collages Elementals

100 Days of Collage: Days 81-100 and Wrapup

Wow, it’s done! This last set of collages was the most difficult yet. I fell behind again, but managed again to catch up. I almost quit around the mid-80s but figured if I was that close, I HAD to keep going. Does it feel good? Yes, definitely. I am happy that I did the 100 […]

Blog Collages Elementals

100 Days of Collage: Days 61-80

ALMOST finished! Just another couple weeks left! I have found it challenging to keep up with this set of days. I have had a couple of shows, including Boston Mills Artfest, and other events that have taken up time and I fell behind a couple of times. Despite that, I kept up and caught up! […]

Blog Collages Elementals

100 Days of Collage: Days 41-60

The 100 Day Project continues, and we’re on the downward slide. This set of days have been more challenging than the first 40, mostly in finding time to complete each day’s work. I had several events during this time period, and was preparing for my exhibit at the Cleveland Botanical Garden, so I actually fell […]

Blog Collages Elementals

100 Days of Collage: Days 21-40

The 100 Day Project continues! For 100 days, I am doing a small collage, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, in a wire-bound sketchbook. Why? Because: I want to. It takes discipline and follow-through, which are habits I want to foster. I love working in a series – doing lots of things on a theme. I feel […]

Blog Collages Elementals

The 100 Day Project: The First 20 Days

The 100 Day Project is a challenge to do something – anything – every day for 100 days and document it. Your individual project can be artistic (draw, paint, sketch, sew, photo) or it can be personal (walk, run, meditate). Anything qualifies, as long as it’s repeatable. For many people, documenting it means posting online, especially […]


Liberate Your Art Postcard Swap, 2018

It’s time for the postcard swap again! I haven’t done it for a couple years and missed it. This is always fun. Kat Sloma, over at Kat Eye View, is hosting the swap just like she does every year. The idea is this: we print up postcards with our art on them, write a little note […]


Making an Inspirational Ornament: Grow

I love having little inspirational items around my house and studio. They bring a little bit of joy to me and my visitors. Spring is right around the corner and I can’t wait! I love seeing things come to life and grow, so that was the source of inspiration for this ornament. This little Grow ornament […]


Urban Sketchers Symposium, Journal Flip

I go sketching once a week or so here at home with some friends, and we’re big fans of the “professional” urban sketchers who we follow online. In July, the Urban Sketchers group held their annual symposium in Chicago. Since it was so close by, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go. We piled […]