
Sketching Supplies That I Took To The Urban Sketchers Symposium and What I Actually Used

I got home Sunday from the 2017 Urban Sketchers Symposium in Chicago and have been unpacking my bags. It was a wonderful event and I’m so glad to have gone.  The symposium team did a remarkable job organizing it, I’m happy with my sketches, and of course enjoyed seeing Chicago from a different perspective. It’s […]


The Envelope Sketchbook … and my helper

As I began working on the Envelop/e series, I started making notes as ideas came to me. I’d jot a note on a scrap of paper in my studio, on a sticky note at home, or in whatever journal was handy. It’s great to keep track of those notes, but I couldn’t find them at […]


Discover Hudson 2016

Imagine my surprise when I opened my Hudson Hub Times recently and found the Discover Hudson 2016 magazine inside – with my artwork on the cover! The magazine has a well-written and beautifully designed article titled “Art On The Green” about the artists in town. They interviewed Mary Kay Haneline, Kathy Johnson (of Hudson Fine […]

Blog Gallery Hudson Clock Tower

What If Famous Artists Were Inspired By Our Clocktower?

You know how much I love our clocktower. I’ve been inspired by it often, and made many artworks with it as the subject. So I had to ask myself: “Self, what if other artists were also inspired by the clock tower?” Hudson has had lots of famous visitors throughout its history. I’m sure some of […]


Announcing: Uncommon Art!

Yes, I’m still Life Needs Art. But, I have a new studio space and am sharing it with two other artists now. We’ve joined artistic forces to create a combined studio, gallery, classroom space that we’re calling Uncommon Art. Dana Giel-Ray (Bellabor Art Jewelry) and I have invited Shannon Casey ( to join us in this […]


One of a Kind Paper Bowls

And now for something different! Before I begin a new collage, I will often paint papers in bright colorful patterns, so that I can tear them up into pieces to use in the collage. I also hoard collect other interesting papers: old maps, books, handmade papers, and the like. These papers are really fascinating! Sometimes I […]


Not The Button Generation

This post is an observation – not directly art related – but indulge me if you will. This year has given me plenty of opportunities to sit in hospital rooms, keeping company of those who are in need of medical care. Two thoughts: 1. Hospitals are awful places. Even the best hospitals are loud, noisy, impersonal, […]


Art Fair Aftermath

Ah, art fairs! Aren’t they fun? Wandering among the booths, browsing wares from familiar artists and new makers, picking up something cool for yourself or a gift. Yes, and from my perspective as an exhibitor, they are fun to do. I love talking to people about my work, hearing what they enjoy, seeing what they’ve […]


52 Weeks, 52 Works Calendar for 2015

I’m very pleased that my collage, “In The Garden“, has been published in this year’s calendar called “52 Weeks, 52 Works”! The full-color desk calendar is published by Academy Graphic Communication and features artwork by Northeast Ohio artists. Each week has an artwork on one page then the days of the week on the opposite page […]


2015 Wall Calendars

Just in time for holiday gift-giving: wall calendars! Each month features one of my artworks on the top half and the calendar grid below. The artwork has all been done this year, and probably two of the pieces are so new that this may be the first time you are seeing them. The calendars are printed in […]