Blog Collages Elementals

100 Days of Collage: Days 61-80

ALMOST finished! Just another couple weeks left! I have found it challenging to keep up with this set of days. I have had a couple of shows, including Boston Mills Artfest, and other events that have taken up time and I fell behind a couple of times. Despite that, I kept up and caught up! […]

Blog Collages Elementals

100 Days of Collage: Days 41-60

The 100 Day Project continues, and we’re on the downward slide. This set of days have been more challenging than the first 40, mostly in finding time to complete each day’s work. I had several events during this time period, and was preparing for my exhibit at the Cleveland Botanical Garden, so I actually fell […]

Blog Collages Elementals

100 Days of Collage: Days 21-40

The 100 Day Project continues! For 100 days, I am doing a small collage, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, in a wire-bound sketchbook. Why? Because: I want to. It takes discipline and follow-through, which are habits I want to foster. I love working in a series – doing lots of things on a theme. I feel […]

Blog Collages Elementals

The 100 Day Project: The First 20 Days

The 100 Day Project is a challenge to do something – anything – every day for 100 days and document it. Your individual project can be artistic (draw, paint, sketch, sew, photo) or it can be personal (walk, run, meditate). Anything qualifies, as long as it’s repeatable. For many people, documenting it means posting online, especially […]

Collages Gallery

Love’s Locked But Not Lost

Love’s Locked But Not Lost is inspired by one of those many bridges where people write their names on padlocks, lock them to the bridge, and throw the key in the river. A sweet, romantic, charming gesture, for sure. Not always good for the bridge, but lovely for the young couples’ hearts. See I was intrigued […]

Collages Gallery

Sweet Marie

“Sweet Marie” is one more piece that I made for the Threads of the Past exhibit. The little girl in “Sweet Marie” came from an old scrapbook from the 1880s. Something in her pose and expression remind me of my grandmother, so I have named this piece after her. My grandmother wasn’t born till the 1900s, […]

Collages Gallery Roots and Roads Series

Tree of Life

For our “Threads of the Past” show, I made several pieces of artwork, including this one, inspired by family. My mom loved to quilt, and made many during her lifetime. This Tree Of Life quilt was one of her first. She made it in 1990 and it’s one I have always loved. I used it as […]

Collages Gallery Roots and Roads Series

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

“Spring Summer Autumn Winter” is a 4-part collage (quadriptych) that shows the same tree scene as imagined across the four seasons. The trees were inspired by a recent boating trip along the Canal du Midi in France. Here’s a photo that I took during the trip and used for inspiration: I found the shapes of […]

Collages Gallery Roots and Roads Series

Tall Tree, collage

This piece was inspired by the forests in Oregon, where the trees are impossibly tall and seem go on forever. I was struck by how hard it was to see the individual trees because there were so many. They seemed to be defined by the space around them rather than by themselves. I wanted to […]

Collages Gallery

Walk In The Woods

“Walk In The Woods” continues my exploration with a collage process that is more free and intuitive. No carefully analyzed plan, no agonizing over each piece. Instead, I tried to put pieces together because they “belonged” together. “Belonged” is in quotation marks because do vintage buttons, corrugated cardboard, and French knots really belong together? Who […]