
2018 Exhibits, Shows, and Events

I am looking forward to sharing my art with you in 2018! The year promises to bring a new mix of gallery shows, art fairs, and events. Keep an eye on this list, as I will add to it all year long as my schedule evolves.

Art Classes: I’m posting my classes on the Uncommon Art calendar, so check there for the schedule and registration info. Along with the regular selection of journaling and mixed media classes, this year brings a new class: Creativity 2.0, practical creativity for your work and life.


In The Clear, collage, by Karen Koch


Epiphany Arts Festival
January 13 – February 11
Bath Church UCC, Akron, OH




World Collage Day poster by Michael Pajon



World Collage Day
May 12
Uncommon ART, Hudson, OH




Elemental 2, a collage on paper, by Karen Koch


Ohio Collage Society 12th Annual Show
May 17 – June 16 at Akrona Galleries, Akron, OH





Cleveland Botanical Garden
Trees I Have Known And A Few Shrubs

May 22 – July 8
Cleveland Botanical Garden


Boston MIlls Artfest 2018
Boston Mills Artfest

June 29-July 1
Peninsula, OH


Art on the Green, Hudson Ohio


Art on the Green
August 25 – 26
Hudson, OH



2018 Christkindl Markt Canton OhioChristkindl Markt
November 9, 10, 11
Canton Museum of Art



52 Weeks 52 Works 2019 Exhibition at Baldwin Wallace University

52 Weeks 52 Works
2019 desk calendar and exhibition
Exhibition runs November 9-30
Opening reception: Friday, November 9, 5-8 pm
Fawick Art Gallery at Baldwin Wallace University
The calendar will be published in December.


Hudson Gallery HopHudson Gallery Hops

  • March 9, “A Breath of Fresh Air”
  • June 8, “Home and Garden”
  • August 10, “Living Art”
  • December 14, “Holiday Hop”