
Art Break Day, September 5

art break day 2014Now here’s something that sounds like a lot of fun: Art Break Day!

What’s an Art Break Day? Exactly what it sounds like: it’s a day where people everywhere are encouraged to take a few minutes and do something creative.

I’m all for that.

To help with that, I am offering my studio as a location for anyone to do just that. If the weather cooperates, I’ll have a table set up outside the studio with supplies and other fun stuff for you to play with.

Oh – and it’s free!

Why? Because everyone should have a chance to make art. It’s part of who we are.

Me and my supplies will be ready and waiting from 9am-6pm (220 N. Main Street, Hudson, OH 44236).

Stop by and say hi, and dabble in something colorful.

To learn more about Art Break Day and the people who organize it, visit . And, connect with the event on Facebook:

See you then!