
Art On The Green, August 23-24

Art on the Green Hudson OH 2014Ta da! For the first time, I’ll have my very own booth space at Art on the Green in Hudson! Only a couple dozen “newbies” get accepted each year, and I’m thrilled to be one of them.

In the past, I’ve been in the shared spaces with the Hudson Society of Artists and loved it. This show is very well attended by art lovers and buyers, and the artists bring really enjoyable and affordable work. It’s always a fun show.

This year, a whole 10×10 ft plot of ground and 3 walls will be mine – ALL MINE! Can you tell I’m excited?? 😀

I’m working on some new items to try out at this show. Can’t show you photos yet and won’t tell you what they are. You want to see ’em, come on out. Such a tease, right?

Look for me in Space 14, right near the corner of Rt. 91 and 303 92 near the food court.

Art on the Green is held in Hudson on the south green – at Rt. 91 between Rt. 303 and Ravenna Rd. (Not by the clocktower where the Farmer’s Market is held, but between Rt. 303 and the BP station.) Admission is free.

Saturday, August 23: 10am – 5pm
Sunday, August 24: 11am – 5pm

Here are links to the artist listing and a map:

Artist List 2014 Art on the Green (PDF)

Map 2014 Art On The Green (PDF)