
Green Art Exhibit, April 2013

Green Art Exhibit 2013 Beachwood Ohio

Join me and a wonderful group of artists as we celebrate the idea of recycling, repurposing, and reusing.

All artwork in this exhibit is made from materials that had a previous life. My entries are all collages made from junk mail, shredded paper, leaves, plastics, photos. Other entries is made from old maps, cast-off wood, tins.

Some of my artwork is new, never before seen in public. Others are favorite pieces such as:

Red Sky at Morning

Every Vote Counts

Finding The Way

Small Packets

Finding My Way Home

I’ve taken photos of the new pieces and will post shortly. Or stop by the opening reception to see for yourself. It’s Sunday, April 7, from 1:30 – 3:00 at the Beachwood Community Center (at the intersection of Richmond and Fairmont Rds).

Here’s a bit of a tease…some of the pictures lined up at home, waiting to be packed in the car. Click to enlarge the images.

prepping for green art exhibit at home

prepping for green art exhibit

4/3 UPDATE – Preliminary Show Photos:

Green Art Exhibit, Beachwood, Spring Omen, Life Needs Art Green Art Exhibit, Beachwood, Two Collages, Life Needs Art Green Art Exhibit, Beachwood, Small Collages, Life Needs Art Green Art Exhibit, Beachwood, Detail, Life Needs Art Green Art Exhibit, Beachwood, Small Packets, Life Needs Art Green Art Exhibit, Beachwood, Detail, Life Needs Art Green Art Exhibit, Beachwood, Mingling in a Room Full of Strangers, Life Needs Art Green Art Exhibit, Beachwood, Detail, Life Needs Art