
I Only Have Eyes For You

A unique idea for an art exhibit, and I am pleased to have my Magpie’s Eye collage in the show.

I think of collage artists as like magpies or bower birds: we are easily distracted by bright shiny bits and love to collect them. Or maybe it’s just me. I cannot resist gathering and hoarding unusual memorabilia.

For Magpie’s Eye, I gathered a group of small, interesting, shiny, tactile items: stickers, fabric, beads, sequins and stitched them together into a colorful circular tapestry.

The collection of bits needed to rest in a nest, so I made one of shredded wallpaper and fiber. The nesty bits curl up around the edges of the tapestry and wave gently in a breeze, adding movement.

I painted the eye for the focal point in the center so that it resembles the artist’s eye, watching over its treasure and searching for the next treasured find.

Exhibit Details:

November 29, 2024, to January 19, 2025
Understory Art, 1305 W 80th Street, Suite 019, Cleveland, Ohio, 44102

The Magpie's Eye, collage by Karen Koch