
Trees I Have Known, And A Few Shrubs

One of the joys of sharing a studio with other artists is having the opportunity to work together. As we have come to know each other’s styles and inspiration, we discovered that we have a common love of nature, and that inspiration takes many forms in our work.

With that common ground, plus a nod to the 100th anniversary of our national parks, we have collaborated on an exhibit called “Trees I Have Known, And A Few Shrubs”.

Roots and Roads 1, a collage, by Karen KochSeveral of my Roots and Roads series will be on display, plus I have made some new tree-themed collage pieces. Dana has been working on tree-inspired jewelry with designs of acorns, leaves, and branches. Shannon’s paintings and drawings of local trees round out the exhibit.

Please join us for the opening reception on Friday, October 21, 5-8pm. The exhibit continues through November 12.

The exhibit will be on display at Uncommon Art in Hudson.

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