I will be joining artists around the world on Saturday, May 8th to celebrate World Collage Day!
Kolaj Magazine, an international publication dedicated to the art of contemporary collage, organizes the event and encourages artists and art venues to hold collage-related events.
Come collage with me on that day via Zoom beginning at 10:30AM Eastern. I’m calling it a Gab-n-Glue party!
You’ll need your own collage supplies, whatever they might be. If you need inspiration for your artwork, I offer you this theme:
Of House And Home During the pandemic and quarantining of this past year, our perceptions of home may have evolved or given us new perspectives on what “home” means to us. Your challenge – should you choose to accept it – is to create a 2D or 3D or even 4D artwork about the concept of house and home.
Participation is free, but registration is required to get the Zoom link. Register on the Uncommon ART website at:
For more information about World Collage Day, visit the Kolaj Magazine website at www.kolajmagazine.com/worldcollageday/