Envelop/e Series Gallery

Too Much To Contain

Too Much To Contain, collage, by Karen Koch“Too Much To Contain” again looks at what happens when the envelope is too full and the contents are released.

I love the mix of modern and vintage bits here: you’ll see graphs from a 1950s physics book, vintage elements from the 1880s, mixed with modern snapshots and maps. It’s a wonderful, complex mix of items.

The envelope is made from a piece of paper that I painted, along with a vintage stamp. An odd view of it from the side is below, taken while I was holding a mat on it to check the progress.

Title: Too Much To Contain, Envelop/e Series
Size: 14 x 11 inches on paper, mounted on 20 x 16 inch canvas
Medium: Found and vintage papers, maps, book pages, stamp, tissue, oil pastels and pencils
Signed: On the back
Exhibits: 2016 Kaleidescope Juried Exhibit at Summit Artspace; “Delivering Stories” at the BOX Gallery, Akron; “In The Pink” at Hudson Fine Art & Framing

Too Much To Contain, side angle, by Karen Koch