
Regional Juried Show at Group Ten Gallery

Group Ten Gallery in Kent, Ohio is currently hosting their 3rd annual Regional Juried Show. With almost 50 artworks, the show is a really nice representation of art happening in this area. I was pleased to learn that both of my entries were accepted, and that “Going Forth” won Honorable Mention! My entries are both […]


2016 Shows, Exhibits, Classes

I am looking forward to sharing my art with you in 2016! The year promises to bring a mix of gallery shows, outdoor art fairs, events. Keep an eye on this list, as I will add to it all year long as my schedule evolves. Art Classes: Check the calendar at Uncommon Art for the up-to-date […]


Announcing: Uncommon Art!

Yes, I’m still Life Needs Art. But, I have a new studio space and am sharing it with two other artists now. We’ve joined artistic forces to create a combined studio, gallery, classroom space that we’re calling Uncommon Art. Dana Giel-Ray (Bellabor Art Jewelry) and I have invited Shannon Casey ( to join us in this […]