
I Only Have Eyes For You

A unique idea for an art exhibit, and I am pleased to have my Magpie’s Eye collage in the show. I think of collage artists as like magpies or bower birds: we are easily distracted by bright shiny bits and love to collect them. Or maybe it’s just me. I cannot resist gathering and hoarding […]


CATography, a photography exhibit

If you are lucky enough to be the caretaker of a feline friend, you’ll more than likely find plenty of opportunities to take their photo. I am right there with you. My little furry companion is named Toots, a foster fail who can be feisty and lovable, playful and cuddly, delightful and demanding. My little […]


Ohio Collage Society Member’s Exhibit, 2021

Time to get back to exhibits! The Ohio Collage Society will have its annual member’s exhibit from April 9 – June 26, 2021 at Summit Artspace. My entry is The Magpie’s Eye. I’m excited to see this show. We’re a small-ish group, but, dang, we make some good stuff. If you like collage and mixed […]


Joy In The Moment, an exhibit

Running August 11 – September 21, “Joy In The Moment” is an exhibit of my artwork at Christ Community Chapel in Hudson, Ohio. An actual, in-person, meet-the-artist reception will be held on Thursday, August 20, from 7:00-8:30 pm. Refreshments will be served outside. Guests in the gallery will be limited to 10, and masks are […]

Gallery Reverse Archeology

Reverse Archaeology, an exhibit

Excavate. Investigate. Re-create. In this exhibit titled Reverse Archaeology, my friend Shannon Casey and I have created a series of artworks to explore layers of time and memory. Those themes have reoccurred in our artwork over the past few years and we wanted to delve further into them. We call this exhibit Reverse Archaeology because […]