
Hudson Christkindlmarkt

For the first time, I’ll have a booth at this wonderful festival! I’ve always enjoyed it in the past – the food, the music, the beer and gluhwein (yum!) – but have not been able to participate. I love how they describe the market: “Gemutlichket is a German word used to convey the idea of […]


Christkindl Markt at the Canton Art Museum 2018

I’m pleased to be showing this year at the Christkindl Markt, a holiday-inspired fine arts and crafts show and Canton tradition. I did this show several years ago and it was a wonderful experience. I’m looking forward to it again this year! It’s a fun way to kick off the holiday season. I will be […]


2018 Exhibits, Shows, and Events

I am looking forward to sharing my art with you in 2018! The year promises to bring a new mix of gallery shows, art fairs, and events. Keep an eye on this list, as I will add to it all year long as my schedule evolves. Art Classes: I’m posting my classes on the Uncommon […]