Blog Collages Elementals

The 100 Day Project: The First 20 Days

The 100 Day Project is a challenge to do something – anything – every day for 100 days and document it. Your individual project can be artistic (draw, paint, sketch, sew, photo) or it can be personal (walk, run, meditate). Anything qualifies, as long as it’s repeatable. For many people, documenting it means posting online, especially […]


Making an Inspirational Ornament: Grow

I love having little inspirational items around my house and studio. They bring a little bit of joy to me and my visitors. Spring is right around the corner and I can’t wait! I love seeing things come to life and grow, so that was the source of inspiration for this ornament. This little Grow ornament […]


Epiphany Arts Festival, 2018

To begin the year on a festive note, please join me for a celebration of the arts at The Bath Church UCC. I’ve heard such wonderful things about this show – how well organized it is, what nice art it attracts, the lovely reception on the opening day and concert at the closing – but […]

Collages Gallery

Love’s Locked But Not Lost

Love’s Locked But Not Lost is inspired by one of those many bridges where people write their names on padlocks, lock them to the bridge, and throw the key in the river. A sweet, romantic, charming gesture, for sure. Not always good for the bridge, but lovely for the young couples’ hearts. See I was intrigued […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

Finding Balance

Finding Balance is a study in contrasts between hidden and revealed, light and shadow, old and new. This piece feels simple and balanced, but it is full of subtle contrasts. The colors run from dawn to dusk, words from A to Z. The utilitarian dictionary pages are edged in extravagant gold leaf. Some parts are […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

The Surprise Inside

Ok, even artists like to have some fun once in a while! This piece does actually have a completed collage inside. What is it? Not telling! I wanted to convey the sense of anticipation and excitement of finding an unwrapped package. What’s inside? Who is it from? Is it for me? You’ll notice bits of […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

Dreams of Faraway Places

The inspiration for these pieces came from the envelopes themselves. I have saved greeting cards – and the envelopes – for years. Envelopes make me think of traveling – after all, they have traveled a long way to reach our mailboxes. I envisioned sewing the envelopes together to form the basis of a large piece, […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

Time of Waiting 2

Time of Waiting 2 was actually created before the larger version and was the inspiration for it. This smaller version really has the feel of expectation while waiting for the contents to be revealed. The interior is glowing with such energy, just ready to burst through. And so much luscious texture! Each layer is stitched […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery Reverse Archeology

Time of Waiting

The idea for Time of Waiting is one that has been on my mind for a quite some time. I wanted a 3‑dimensional way to explore the act of unwrapping and revealing an image. Remember tearing the paper off a birthday present when you were a kid, that sense of joy and excitement to find […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

True Joy and Happiness Be Ever Thine

A companion piece to From A Fond Heart Faithful And True, this one elevates an envelope from an ordinary everyday object to something grand and special. Inside the envelope are several fragments of tiny vintage greeting cards: Cupid on the lookout for his next target, bouquets of flowers, and an open book printed with the […]