Envelop/e Series Gallery

Thy Path Be Ever Strewn With Flowers

The third in this mini series, Thy Path Be Ever Strewn With Flowers has a central envelope overflowing with sentimental papers surrounded by a colorful starburst. Inside the envelope are tiny bits from vintage greeting cards: bouquets of roses and forget me nots, and an open book printed with the phrase “Thy Path Be Ever Strewn […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

From A Fond Heart Faithful And True

A cornerstone of my Envelope series, From A Fond Heart Faithful And True is dear to my heart. I wanted to elevate an envelope from an ordinary paper wrapper to something more magical, more symbolic. The gold leaf, the rays, the weathered surface, give it that mystical feel I was looking for. Inside the envelope […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

Letters Unsent

I had the idea for “Letters Unsent” before “Packaged Moments“, but completed it afterward. I needed to work through the thoughts about those other moments before I could take on this. I wanted this piece to explore the emotions of looking back on life and reminiscing about the thoughts not said, the missed opportunities: the […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

Packaged Moments

After making “Open Ended Communication“, I wanted to do more with Mylar overlays and explore the emotions around partially hidden objects. “Packaged Moments” started out as three individual pieces, but as I worked on them, they began to play off one another so well that they had to become one piece. I chose images that […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

Open-Ended Communication

“Open-Ended Communication” is a transitional piece that creates a pathway from the envelope-specific pieces (In The Clear, Going Forth) early in this series to more conceptual pieces (Once Upon A Time, Lifelong Buddies). The focal point in this piece is the small central envelope, which was originally created to stand on its own. The brown […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

In The Clear

Titled, “In The Clear”, this piece is dear to me for the sense of joy it conveys. Several years ago, a friend gave me a page from a French magazine printed in the late 1800s or early 1900s. The image on the page was of dozens of butterflies (papillons) happily hovering over flowers. I envisioned […]


The Envelope Sketchbook … and my helper

As I began working on the Envelop/e series, I started making notes as ideas came to me. I’d jot a note on a scrap of paper in my studio, on a sticky note at home, or in whatever journal was handy. It’s great to keep track of those notes, but I couldn’t find them at […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

The Envelop/e Series

An envelope is something that wraps around, encloses and contains. But, an envelope can be more than just a piece of paper. It can be a symbol loaded with memories and emotions. You open the mailbox and there it is: Puffy or flat. Clean or scuffed up. White, brown, green, pink, blue, yellow, or red. Does it have that little […]

Envelop/e Series Gallery

Lifelong Buddies

Another piece for the Threads of the Past exhibit, “Lifelong Buddies” shows a photo of my dad and his college friend. My dad went to a very small college. Very small – his graduating class had fewer than 2 dozen people. He and his classmates formed close friendships that lasted rest of their lives. I have […]


Delivering Stories, July 14-August 19, at the BOX Gallery

“Delivering Stories” is a two-woman exhibit of artwork by me and Amber McElreath. The show runs July 14 – August 19 at the BOX Gallery, Summit Artspace in Akron. The opening reception is July 14, 5-8pm. For this exhibit, I have made all new artwork. Well, almost all new. Going Forth and Remembrance will be part of […]