Collages Gallery

Market Day, a collage

When summer rolls around, I look forward to the local farmer’s market on Saturday mornings. Fresh produce, connecting with the people who grow it, and trying something new. It’s such a treat, both the products that are available and the experience of mindfully making selections. So different than racing through the aisles at the supermarket. […]


Illumination Night, December 12

Ah, the final 2nd Friday Art Hop of this year! And what a year it’s been. Seems hard to believe that a casual conversation over coffee has turned into a city-wide…thing. And, yet, here we are. Going on our 7th Art Hop, upwards of 15 participating locations each month, and more visitors each month. Events like this […]


1st Anniversary Party, Nov. 14-15, 2014

A full year as a full-time artist! Goodness, time has flown! It’s been truly the experience of a lifetime, and I have been grateful for every minute of it. I’m excited to see what the next year holds, too. A first anniversary calls for a celebration. Dana and I would love to have you come […]


Art On The Green, August 23-24

Ta da! For the first time, I’ll have my very own booth space at Art on the Green in Hudson! Only a couple dozen “newbies” get accepted each year, and I’m thrilled to be one of them. In the past, I’ve been in the shared spaces with the Hudson Society of Artists and loved it. […]


Colors and Cocktails

Thursday, June 12 7-9 pm. Come for an evening of fun and art. Go home with not one – but TWO! – completed artworks: one to wear and one to display. During the evening you will make a colorful pair of chain maille earrings and a unique mixed media collage. No painting or jewelry skills […]


Grand Opening, November 9, 2013

At long last – a dream come true! I’ve wanted a real art studio for as long as I can remember, and here it is! Join me at the grand opening of my new studio space in Hudson. Saturday, November 9, 2013 1 – 5 pm 220 N. Main Street (2nd Floor) Hudson, OH 44236 […]


Buy Art

Shop In Hudson My artwork is on available at my studio in Hudson, Ohio. It’s a working studio, meaning I spend my time there creating art. You are welcome to stop by and see the latest work in progress on my easel, and browse through finished art. Shop Online on Etsy Visit my Etsy shop […]