Gallery Roots and Roads Series

The Sentinels 1 and 2

The Sentinels are a group of six very tall pine trees that stand along the edge of my backyard. They are the first things I see when I look out the window in the morning and the last ones I see at night. Knowing they are there gives me a sense of safety and security. […]


Trees I Have Known at the Cleveland Botanical Garden

If your plans include a visit to the Cleveland Botanical Garden early this summer, be sure to visit the Guren Art Gallery on the 2nd floor. Between May 22 and July 8, Shannon Casey and I are showing our artwork in an exhibit entitled, “Trees I Have Known and A Few Shrubs”. If the title […]

Collages Gallery Roots and Roads Series

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

“Spring Summer Autumn Winter” is a 4-part collage (quadriptych) that shows the same tree scene as imagined across the four seasons. The trees were inspired by a recent boating trip along the Canal du Midi in France. Here’s a photo that I took during the trip and used for inspiration: I found the shapes of […]

Collages Gallery Roots and Roads Series

Tall Tree, collage

This piece was inspired by the forests in Oregon, where the trees are impossibly tall and seem go on forever. I was struck by how hard it was to see the individual trees because there were so many. They seemed to be defined by the space around them rather than by themselves. I wanted to […]


Trees I Have Known, And A Few Shrubs

One of the joys of sharing a studio with other artists is having the opportunity to work together. As we have come to know each other’s styles and inspiration, we discovered that we have a common love of nature, and that inspiration takes many forms in our work. With that common ground, plus a nod to the […]